Specialized Online Course in Digital Marketing
ICEMD, Instituto de Economía Digital de ESIC
Curso y Capacitación
- Duración 3 meses
- Online
This course integrates digital media into marketing and communications’ strategies.
The new digital ecosystem has generated a new type of consumer who is more demanding and more conscious of his/her power vis-à-vis brands. That’s why traditional marketing and advertising methods no longer serve us well and it is necessary to approach online communications from another perspective. And that change starts at ICEMD.
This is an Intensive Course given by currently active digital experts and during which you will learn how to communicate your product or service successfully via internet and new digital media (mobile marketing, geo-location, digital TV, etc.). You will also learn about subjects such as usability, SEO and electronic marketing.
With a methodology based on practical learning and real-life applicability, this course will award you a diploma that will allow you to access higher degrees at ICEMD and to fine-tune your training in a personalized fashion.
Design and creation of a Digital Marketing Plan
Web usability and mobile web
Webinar: Design and creation of a Digital Marketing Plan
Webinar: Web usability and mobile web
Return On Investment Analysis in a Digital Marketing Plan
Webinar: Return On Investment Analysis in a Digital Marketing Plan
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): How to optimize the natural positioning of our web in browsers
Webinar: SEO
Web Analytics: How to measure and optimise a website’s critical processes
Webinar: Web Analytics
Generating and qualifying leads in Digital Marketing
Strategies to generate loyalty and retain customers online
Search Engine Marketing (SEM): fundamentals, options and key points of a SEM strategy
Webinar: SEM
The keys to creating an online store
Social Media Strategy: Integrating social networks into our digital media plan
Webinar: Social Media Strategy
Mobile Apps (ENG)
Legal aspects of digital marketing, advertising and content
Webinar: Mobile Marketing and Geolocation
¿Querés recibir mas información sobre los requisitos?
- ICEMD Sede Principal

Comportamiento del Consumidor y CX
Escuela de Postgrado ITBA
- Online

Marketing Estratégico
Profesional Schools
- Online
- Duración 8.30 a 10: 20 hs
- Presencial

Diplomatura Universitaria en Gestión de Redes Sociales
Untref Virtual
- Online